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To date, we have created thousands of pieces of jewelry for the wonderful mothers who gave us the honor of creating for them the precious keepsake like no other. Each of the jewels contains a unique stone, so no two are the same. Our founder is excited to share with you a little about how it all started, and to tell about the exciting journey that brought us to the point where we are today:

It all started as a personal need to have a souvenir of this important moment in my life.

For me, breastfeeding was not easy, in fact, after my first daughter was born, I found myself facing a reality that no one had ever told me about.

Breastfeeding is not easy. It can hurt (and a lot), it requires a lot of perseverance and not giving up. It is about you being able to provide your baby with the best food

that he can receive, the milk that was specially created inside you for him.

It's about endless sleepless nights, tiredness, completely changing your routine and your life to be with your baby close to your chest all the time.

Then you start questioning everything…

Is the baby getting enough milk? What if my milk is not enough? What if I am not producing what he needs? What if my milk has already turned into just "water" as some people tell me?

Suddenly your baby starts with gas and you end up doing all kinds of diets to see if it improves... you stop eating dairy, gluten, etc.

On the other hand, the beautiful bond that breastfeeding generates between the mother and the baby is indescribable.

Breast milk has incredible healing power.

It can cure eye infections, it can heal skin rashes, nutrients from the food you’ve eaten and even antibodies pass from you to your baby.

Today even certain cancer patients drink breastmilk and it helps them with their treatment against this horrible disease.

For me, after starting my breastfeeding journey and learning about all the benefits of breast milk, I started seeing my milk differently, it became gold… my own pure and white gold.

Only people who have breastfed (or expressed, pumped milk, which is also a way of breastfeeding) fully understand the phrase "Don't cry over spilled milk, UNLESS it's breast milk"

That is why, for me, having a jewel of my breast milk is like having a little piece of that trip, of that moment, of those sensations, part of me, of my daughters, close to me and forever.

It is a jewel that is made with my own white gold and that can be passed on to future generations.

אני מניקה


So it doesn't matter if you are a mother of a first child or a mother of a fifth child
It doesn't matter if you are a mother who exclusively pumps
It doesn't matter if you are a mother who had a quiet birth
It doesn't matter if you are a mother who breastfed until the age of 4 years or until the age of 4 months
It doesn't matter if you are a mother who has undergone fertility treatments
It doesn't matter if you are a mother who lost her son
It doesn't matter if you are a mother approaching the age of 50 after years of treatments
We all deserve such an amazing and special souvenir for life!

לסיפורים מרגשים מאמהות מהממות כנסו לדף האינסטגרם - הקליקו כאן

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Breast milk jewelry allows breastfeeding mothers to celebrate their breastfeeding journey; serves as a reminder of the determination and hard work that breastfeeding requires - and represents the closeness and emotional connection that breastfeeding fosters.
The jewelry contains a Breastmilk stone that we prepare especially for you from your white gold, your milk.
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©2022 by Forever Moments Jewelry. Breast milk jewelry and keepsakes

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